A Year without Months Charles Dodd White
African American Workers and the Appalachian Coal Industry Joe William Trotter Jr.
Teaching Matters Aeron Haynie and Stephanie Spong
Remembering and Forgetting in the Age of Technology Michelle D. Miller
Rogues in the Postcolony Stacey Balkan
The Harlan Renaissance William H. Turner
Perfect Dirt Keegan Lester
Slow Fuse of the Possible Kate Daniels
On Dark and Bloody Ground Anne T. Lawrence
Rock Climbing in Kentucky's Red River Gorge James N. Maples
A Union for Appalachian Healthcare Workers John Hennen
Past Titan Rock Ellesa Clay High
Cannel Coal Oil Days Theophile Maher Edited by Edward Watts
Engaging the Atom Edited by Arne Kaijser, Markku Lehtonen, Jan-Henrik Meyer, and Mar Rubio-Varas
So Much to Be Angry About Shaun Slifer
Ghosts of New York Jim Lewis
American Vaudeville Geoffrey Hilsabeck
Working It Off in Labor County Larry D. Thacker
Fierce and Delicate Renée K. Nicholson
Minding Bodies Susan Hrach
Skim, Dive, Surface Jenae Cohn
Red Harvests James A. Tyner
Feminist Geography Unbound Edited by Banu Gökarıksel, Michael Hawkins, Christopher Neubert, and Sara Smith
Remaking Appalachia Nicholas F. Stump